I had a really great vision when I applied for the radiography program that I'd get to wear these really cute scrubs, and prance around being comfortable and demanding respect. I was obviously thrilled that I got into the program, but I was almost just as excited about getting to wear scrubs. Weird, I know. I waited anxiously for 4 weeks until my uniforms came in. So, you can imagine my disappointment when, after savagely ripping into the package and slipping into my prize, I looked like one of those children dressed up in a doctor's outfit for an Olan Mills picture portrait.

Surrrre, the kids talked you into it...

Yeah, that's Will.

Photographer: "Oldest and youngest on top"

Mom? Drew? X-mas cards '09?

I tried to find a picture like I referenced, but then I stumbled upon this. website and I got carried away...
Okay, that's enough. I need to stop. Let's get back on track.
SO tonight I set out to alter my radiography uniform. The bottoms were basically the worst tapered-mom pants ever and the shirt was literally the shape of a royal blue potato sack. We weren't necessarily advised to alter them but... I was desperate. I have been having a few run-ins lately with people thinking I was apart of the babysitters club and I don't want to take any chances while working on real, live, people. I need to demand respect, I mean- even more than I already do.

I took Reagan to the doc today (we're switching doctor's because I despise the one he's had since we moved here) and the wall scale claims he's grown 2 inches since February! I'd believe it.
Sooooo I was thinking about the speech I'll be giving at Emily's reception next weekend and thought it'd be entertaining to see what YouTube had to offer... I know this video is kind of long and sort of gay in the beginning, but it gets REALLY good and stays kind of gay but even I was tearing up towards the end. It is so cute!
Full screen it for max effect-
The pic of you looks like a cheerleader...I bet you look cute :)
This might be my favorite blog entry you have ever done, for a couple of reasons:
1. Awkward family photos are pretty much one of the most entertaining things in life (PS the word awkward it really awkward don't you think?)
2. Growing up consumed with musical theater, I dreamt of having a gay best friend that would sing to me at my wedding! Also, I was in/knew every song or dance that they spoofed in that speech, does that make me cooler or more dorky?
(Also the word below me right now for that "word verification" thing to post this post is in red and it is the word "satan" hmmmmm, should I type it or not, is it like a Ouije board?)
idk if I could pull of that bow tie Ash... awkard family photos is a pretty hilarious website. Check out textsfromlastnight.com. It is really funny too.
Never knew girls could have mullets...........that's just not right. And you complained about how your bangs were cut in your grade school photos. That girl had a true bone to pick with her mama!
Mom M
Drew - if you can pull off my hot pink Northface jacket (which is skintight on you) while wearing the Frank Sinatra hat, I think you could definitely pull off a little 'ol bowtie.
Remember Dad got us a mother/son and mother/daughter photo session for Mother's Day......perhaps we could get some inspiration from this site :0) Haha.....Mom M
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