Friday, October 19, 2018

Jojo is T W O ! ! !

On the morning of her second birthday we awoke to her diving into the top layer of her birthday cake.

We got cleaned up and celebrated with donuts, singing happy birthday and candles and all.

We then made our way to several Halloween stores to purchase the little boys their Halloween costumes. Jojo immediately took to this purple velour cowgirl hat. Also it's important to note, she was standing near this spooky decoration and then walked out of it towards me to the SURPRISE of an adult man. It FREAKED him out. 

We waited a week to celebrate her birthday with family so that evening I made a cake for her for our small group family.

We gave her her presents the next morning because she's two and has no idea what a birthday even is. Also she didn't have that many presents because I kept giving them to her early.

Here's what her second year of life looked like...

15 months; says daddy, mommy, molly, dog, shoe, sit, no, she plays peekaboo, knows the "how big are you" trick, claps, points and throws a diaper away when asked.

18 months; says "where's daddy?," mine, slide, swing, Elliott/Jared, Reagi, Shep, Vi (Levi), points to ears and belly, eyes, says truck, plane, block, obsessed with hats, "Shep bite?," "daddy crying," and "my mommy."

She is our babiest baby. Our very own Shirley Farley, curls and carbs. The novelty of her being a her still hasn't worn off. No one commands the room of brothers quite like she does. She loves babies and shoes. And worms and baseball hats. She shushes me when I reprimand her. Lifetime member of the clean plate club. First to break a bone. And when she holds your face between both of her chubby hands, and talks to you nose to nose.... she wins. Everything. She wins everything.

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