Wednesday, December 2, 2015

November Round-up

This bright idea caused Reagan to be 10 min. late to school. We turtled our way there.  

Reagan's choir concert at the beginning of the month. He was upset because someone was sick so he got moved down and didn't get to stand on a riser. He also stayed consistent to years past and did zero hand motions and minimal singing. The highlight though was that the theme was "Hero's" and so if your family member served the community in some way (armed forces, firefighter, police officer, etc.) they were asked to wear their uniform. Zach wore his uniform and Reagan was SO proud. Not that I saw any of this because Levi sat for half of the first song then "stretched his legs" outside of the auditorium the remainder of the time. My favorite part was when Shep realized his preschool teacher was sitting behind us (her daughter is in Reagan's class) and his face was AMAZING. Perma open mouth gasp for a good 30 seconds. He was beside himself! Reagan is dead center in the first row in the red plaid button down. Thanks to all of the grandparents who made it out for it!

 Future vet Levi kept waving at this bird in our back yard.

 Zach and I's birthday! We are 28, woo hoo!

Birthday date night! Shout out to John and Whitney and Sofie for their help with the boyz.

Fall vs. Winter

The day it snowed our power went out until about 7pm. 

Our snowman was cute but then I realized it was always there, watching us. 

What I put on insta. "Levi broke our cruise control so it's taped on and he's wearing his wife's sunglasses. You too can get this look for the low low price of three kids and matrimony."

Thx Reagan

PSA: don't fall asleep in your contacts

Tony and Steph visited us and we celebrated his birthday.

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