#reagoldenbirthday it's trending.
Well, we have a 7 year old on our hands now. On February 7th he turned SEVEN.
Here's how his day went...
Zach drew a bunch of Lego men faces on balloons, I was super impressed. The only one I drew came out looking like I had drawn it, eyes shut, with my non dominant hand. To my delight (and Zach's silent disappointment) Reagan actually chose mine as his favorite.
It was his golden birthday and I could expound upon all the reasons why I wanted to play that up and so I will. First of all, I obviously only have boys so my opportunities to put any sparkle into anything is about absolutelyzero. Secondly, he is our only child who will still be under our roof when they celebrate their golden birthday (Shep- 30, Levi- 22.) Lastly, we were doing the Lego movie that night and so I figured I could use yellow lego men to sort of butch up the gold I had going on elsewhere.
Partying down.

He requested rainbow pancakes with whip cream for breakfast. Zach took him to school and they picked up donuts to celebrate with his school friends. Then I grabbed him that afternoon for a quick McDonald's lunch. While he was at school I pep talked myself into finishing his cake. He got home from school and fielded some wonderful birthday calls. Then his friends started arriving. They ate pizza, chanted "BOYS NIGHT, BOYS NIGHT," and generally acted about as rowdy and boyish as you would expect and hope for. We packed up all 6 boys (under the age of 7) and marched into the movie theater not unlike a row of ducks. I found myself counting them off constantly, fearing someone would escape. It was opening night for the new LEGO movie and the boys had all eagerly awaited it's release. Who am I kidding, not just the boys, Zach and I too. The previews looked adorable and the movie did not disappoint. We kept sneaking side glances at each other through out the movie (we were the end caps to the 6 boys) being genuinely entertained by the film. Cake, ice cream, and presents followed. Then a couple of the boys stayed the night (first sleepover! no big deal, just milestones being reached over here.) Such an exhausting, and fun, but also exhausting night.
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