Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Dad's Day // Play Day // Wedding Day

We've been getting along rather nicely around these parts and I'm feeling very behind on catching up. We just got home from a long weekend in Indiana for Tony's wedding and before that we had our anniversary, SF play day, some baseball games, Father's Day, vacation bible school, many a pool day and pretty much just lots of fun in general. Here's a little run down of certain events...


Let's go back to Father's Day. But in our case, waaay back because we surprised Zach with a fake father's day celebration in the beginning of May. He is very pro-surprises and unfortunately that is a department I severely lack in. So here and there I set aside a few dollars and pinched a few pennies and after a while (because hello! when you have a job that pays in wet kisses and dirty diapers it takes a little longer to earn the real thing) I had saved up enough to buy him something that would genuinely surprise him. A grill! He is now a man! Our last two sorry-excuses we snagged from friends by rescuing them from curb-duty. Like the light a match, throw it in, scorch your eyebrows off type of deal.


State Farm Play Day is pretty much like a holiday around here. I'm not joking when I say we look forward to it all year! I would describe it as a "clean fair"... rides, food, games, etc. We love it!! Reagan spent the night before with Zach's family and we met them there as well as my mom. His sister Elena and Roma came too, Reagan and Roma always have a good time together. We ate kettle corn for days afterwards and had no complaints.


June 8th marked our 6 year wedding anniversary! We spent the morning with Drew and Debbie at Reagan's baseball game. Then headed to SF Park to swim, swim, swim. When we got home Zach took the boys on a bike ride to uptown to pick up Maggie Miley's. I think we ended the night by watching something from the History channel but honestly I fell asleep on the couch and can't remember.

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