Wednesday, March 13, 2013

3/4 of our way to a year

Shep had his 9 month appointment and here's the lowdown...

Length- 28.5 inches (75%)
Weight- 20 lbs 12 oz (75%)
Head- 18.5 inches (70%)

My mom found my 9 month portrait and I am here to stake my claim in this child! However, I think the pictures speak for themselves.

He's doing this army crawl deal right now.

He added 'dada' to his vocabulary.

Shep will eat ANYTHING. I honestly haven't found a food he will turn down (I know, looking at him you'd never guess.) I can safely say at this point that I made it his whole infancy without having to buy any baby food. Him and Reagan both have preferred to be self-feeders and so it's just most convenient/my preference, to cut up the fruits and veggies we're already eating with a meal and let him be independent.

He is a great sleeper/napper. He still takes a morning and afternoon nap that are each between 1-2 hours long, then sleeps 7pm-7am at night.

His personality is different than we first thought it would be. For the first 5 months of his life he was very easy-going. He still is very happy and super easy to coax smiles/laughs from but he also has no mid-point in emotion. He's usually on one end of the spectrum and then, in an instant, at the complete opposite end. If he's upset he's very quick to cry and I'm pretty much the only one he wants (a privilege and a frustration.)

He has his two bottom teeth and the top two are poking through as we speak.

He LOVES balls!

p.s. Someone should really cut that kids hair. But I doubt his mom will allow it anytime soon.
p.s.s. Here's a link to Reagan's 9 month post. They are exactly the same size, love it!!


Anonymous said...

Okay, starting to stretch out and down to 75th % in weight. Absolutely the cutest baby/toddler since his mommy and uncle were born!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Okay, starting to stretch out and down to 75th % in weight. Absolutely the cutest baby/toddler since his mommy and uncle were born!! :-)

adamandmichellemay said...

When I get the time, I love catching up on your blog. You are a great blogger! :)

PKYoung said...

He's adorable and totally does look like you, so cute! That's crazy, it's official that my baby is small! We just had her 9 month check up and she weighed in at a whopping 14 lbs 7 oz, below the 5th %. I know what you mean with the privilege and frustration of him only wanting you, Stella is the same way now. It is nice though since Adelaide prefers Paul all the time and wants nothing to do with me when he's around.