Mostly pictures of Reagan plus one of Drew's luscious locks.
My mom and Reagan made "Resurrection cookies" the night before. You "seal" the oven and then bite into the hollow marshmallow-like "tombs" the next morning. The whole process and story was a big hit so we'll have to do it again, maybe with a different recipe that yields better tasting results though.
Reagan & Roma with the Williams'. Reagan is jumping because... well because it's just Reagan.
Next up is Reagan's photo shoot on the hole behind my dad's house
Drew's aforementioned glamour shot. Single ladies apply in the comment section...
Making a mental note that if carrying a few extra lbs... don't wear a square shaped garment when you know pictures will be taken of you. 

I can't believe that girl beside me turned 14 the next day!
Me, Elizabeth, Grace, & Emily
I wish I would have gotten one of the boys because they were rocking some impressive, Easter-inspired colors that day.
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