Thursday, March 8, 2012

All in the details

Reagan has never been the artsy type, ever. Zero interest in anything paint, glue, glitter, crayons, etc. He wastes little time getting down to business when it comes to his stick figures. They boast surprisingly little detail, but perhaps really the only important piece of information.

I will now present you with three examples:

Drew's 21st birthday card

My mom proudly displays this birthday card portrait of herself in her house.

And finally, for a side by side comparison, a picture sent home from preschool...

Boys have lines and girls have circles (butts) obvs.


Sarah's Smile said...


PKYoung said...

That's hilarious! I love it!!

Breakfast at the Zemke's said...

Ha ha that is so funny, girls have butts, he knows exactly what's goin on!
