Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Fun morning

We went this morning for our biggie ultrasound, everything checked out just dandy. 

Cletus the fetus at 21 weeks....

And nope, we didn't find out the gender =)


still on subject but from a while ago...

once upon a time, i was feeling very chubby. my regular pants were too tight/uncomfortable and so I succumbed to the pressure and busted out my maternity pants. Trying them on did not make me feel any better but I decided to make due with a pair of flairs that hit me at or slightly-above the ankle. Not attractive. I was also feeling lazy so I just turned them inside out, put them on, pinned on down my leg (starting a little above the knee,) took them off, and sewed on down the pinned area.

See I told you I was being lazy, I didn't even bother to change the thread color in my machine. Meh, it'd be inside out anyway is what I reasoned.

Then trimmed the excess...

And voila, skinny pants. Literally took me 15 minutes. 

(me- 15 wks) My hair only has eyes for you Sam.


PKYoung said...

Awww congrats! That's really exciting! Our second one is due the beginning of June- I'm assuming you're roughly the same time?? Congratulations again!

Anonymous said...

You better hope he's not the size of the real life Cletus.. :)

Sambo said...

143 (this may be over your head as you are WAY to young to have had a pager/beeper, but this was the numerical representation of the statement "I love you." sent between teenagers the world around.)
So, 143 Ashley Williams.

adamandmichellemay said...

Ashley, congrats to you and your growing family!

Sarah's Smile said...

CONGRATS! I am creeping your blog! If you ever come back to FB...we have a group of luvbugs there!