She is the oldest out of the cousins on my Dad's side and the closest in age to me. Following the two of us were 5 boys so we stuck pretty close to one another! We pretty much grew up together and she is basically the SISTER I never had! I love her so much, she is such a wonderful person inside and out. She is the type of person who you think could never have an enemy in the whole world. She is soooo sweet and loving.

She was my Maid of Honor and was so helpful and thoughtful. She was the best! She gave me such amazing memories =) And the shower she threw me was SOOO much fun!

Anyone who meets Emily, automatically falls in love with her sweet personality. She is so genuine and sincere. Growing up I never remember her getting into trouble or even having an argument with her. I asked my mom what we were like when we were little and she said, "I honestly can never remember you guys doing anything bad! You two were always so well behaved!" ... What happened?!?! Just kidding ya. In contrast, I asked Grandma for a story about Emily when she was little... "All I can remember is one time her mom trying to change her clothes I think it was, and we had her laying on our foyer floor. She certainly didn't want that done and she was kicking and yelling, and I had to help hold her down while B got the clothes on her. On the other hand when the kids were young and B&B were going out in the evening, we would baby sit them and she was always an angel."
At NIU she was a waitress at Steak n' Shake and seriously had regulars who would ask for her. Who wouldn't want to be greeted by that smiling face??

AND she even wore a red ribbon in her hair to match the SnS decor because she is just that cute!!

We would open most of our Christmas presents at the same time because they were usually the same thing, only with a slight variation (like one would be pink and the other purple.) I remember Grandpa built us these shelves that looked like a tall, skinny house for all of our beanie babies to go on. OH the coveted "Princess Diana" beanie baby!

Her and Ryan have a rabbit named Boswell. (I think? I hope he hasn't passed away, I haven't seen him in a while)
We both also get insanely excited to go to the lake every year, but you guys already know that.

Oh and um, did I also mention that she is crazy smart!! I googled her name just to see what would come up and two things arose. One saying she was on the Dean's List and this other picture of her in the athletic training program at NIU!

Memories growing up...
- Her playing "Killing Me Softly" on Grandma and Grandpa's piano in the back room of the basement. We were like 8 and 10, I guess we had a mature taste in music. HA
- Always mixing Fresca drinks behind the bar in G&G's basement. I think I've had Fresca maybe once since then.
- Getting married to Michael and Drew. I think super heavy crocheted blankets were either our gowns or veils.
- Cousin slumber parties at Aunt Debbie's where she would let us watch "Ghost" (soooo appropriate for little girls) and try on her bras (well, she might not have known about that one).
- Cheerleading stunts with the little girls. We got Elizabeth's lib down by the time she turned 3.
I cannot, not, not wait until her and Ryan start their own little family. They are so good with Reagan, any child for that matter. They will be such good parents and so much fun!

I am so happy for her and Ryan, they are made for each other and have the best sense of humor. You can tell they have so much fun together, and make each other SO happy.

I LOVE YOU EM!!! Have a GREAT day!!!!!
awww..thanks SO much for the post (but not for the naaasty pictures of me!!) haha...i loved the mixed fresca drinks (by the way what was the drink called that we made up?) and i'm pretty sure i married drew every week! :) oh and i loved my text yesterday! i changed it to my background!
love you tons...
What an awesome post! She sounds so great! :)
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