Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Flashy or Trashy

Flashy (something good, cute, I like it, I approve of it)
Trashy (something that grosses me out, I don't like it, annoys me, etcetera etcetera)

FLASHY: I'm wearing glasses similar to Christian's today. I am so happy he won Project Runway. It is trashy however when people refer to me as Christian because he is a boy and I am a girl. Or when people suggest I should be him for Halloween and Zach should be Heidi Klum.

TRASHY: The poor tweeners these days are going to be devestated once they find out these 3 boys are gay.

FLASHY: We are going to visit Zach he 4th of July- officially!! I now have a driving buddy because Stephanie is going to Kansas City for a family reunion, what are the chances?! And we can leave late at night while Reagan is sleeping because we have to wait until she gets off work. AND Zach's host family got another bed so I don't have to share with Zach and Matt (yes they have been sleeping together on a full size this whole month). Wahoo... the awkwardness level has been lowered slightly!

TRASHY: FYI Hogans... YOUR SON PUT SOMEONE ELSE IN A PERSISTANT VEGETATIVE STATE. He is NOT, repeat NOT, the victim here. Let him sit in jail like anyone else who has commited the same crime, it won't hurt him any more than your neglectful parenting already has.

FLASHY: Dr. Pepper at 9:00 am.

TRASHY: White limos
TRASHY: I like the name Kennedy for a girl but if we were ever to name any of our (way long in the future) children than people would be like, "do you have some weird obsession with past presidents or something?" And how sad, I really like that name. Eww, but then people would call her Kenny... gross, nevermind I take it back.
FLASHY: Zach having a teammate come check on me at MIDNIGHT last night to make sure I had gotten into the apartment safely earlier that night. Oh wait maybe that is trashy because it scared the crap out of me since I was asleep. It's a tie being that it is both caring and overbearing.

TRASHY: This trash-monster will play for Nelson Mandella's birthday this month. Ironically EMT will be on scene for HER not for the 90 year old birthday boy.
FLASHY: Toile I don't know why, I just like it.
TRASHY: Transfering schools, pain in my arse.
TRASHY: People Magazine naming Mario Lopez (of Saved by the Bell fame) as Sexiest Bachelor is offensive to my eyes. He is disgusting, there was a worse picture that was in the actual magazine where he was lying nude on a bear rug (no, seriously) but I couldn't find it.
Sorry to end on such a greasy note.


Jenna said...

LOL! I love it ha! How much did they stuff Mario's pants there??? LOL I had to say it!

Brandie said...

You crack me up....I am going to miss you so much.