Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Deep breath... the weekend is over

WOW this weekend was crazy, yet again! Here is a little breakdown of how it went-

Thursday- We drove to and from Kentucky in one day for a recruiting visit. The college was only about an hour or so away from Somerset, where Granny used to live! That part of the country is b-e-a-utiful!! Highlight of this day- Reagan being put in time-out on the campus tour, thus postponing the tour for a 1 year old. Bet that was the first time they'd watched a 1 year old sit in time out before resuming with the tour of old buildings.

Did you know they even make {baby} travel neck pillows??? Friday morning was a mess, I had to make dip, brownies and pick up a cake for a graduation party at work. They even forgot to put the picture on the cake, how dare they. That night we played for a while before Reagan took a bath. Then my parents came over and we watched National Treasure 2 (so good!) and helped with Drew's graduation scrapbook. Our son is officially, the biggest ham in all the world. Highlight of this day- Reagan peeing all over the ground, which might have happened right after I said "he really should have a diaper on while we wait for the bath tub to fill up".
Reagan insisted on us riding the airplane too. We don't have any pictures to document my ride, but I will say this on a serious note, my son might very well be Hercules... he pushed me around the whole kitchen while I held up my legs a good 3 rounds. We're going to need to start looking into shirts with larger sleeves to accommodate those guns.

Saturday, Tony (Zach's best friend) stopped by on his way down to his summer job in Texas. Then we had Zach's family's "game night" that evening. We played wiffle ball, ate a lot and listened to his cousin's crazy stories from her mission to Africa. Highlight of this night- Zach hit a line drive during wiffle ball that collided with the side of his grandma's head. I spent the rest of the night telling Zach how he should be ashamed of himself.

Sunday, we went to church as usual. Reagan moved up to the next stage of the nursery, 16-20 month olds! Then we went on another recruiting visit about 2.5 hours north of us. We already knew their coach and his wife so it was nice to catch up with them. When we got home we helped my parents christen the new fire pit they put in! Highlight- the coach shutting Reagan's finger in the door on our visit... Reagan screaming uncontrollably/the coach apologizing profusely. Way to impress the recruit there coach. (Just kidding!)

Monday, Zach left for Kansas City for the summer. I don't want to talk about it.

I will say that this week is going to be very exciting all due to Drew graduating! Today my uncle Barry flies in, tomorrow Grandma & Grandpa M drive down, and the day after that Grandma & Grandpa S drive up. YAY!! I really can't wait to see them all!


Jenna said...

Ashley do you ever get the chance to breath on the weekends! Reagan is such a cutie and I always love sneaking in here to get a look at him! You all have soo much fun! (((((HUGS)))))

Ashley said...

I wish!! Thanks Jenna :)

Sarah's Smile said...

I know you had a super busy weekend! I hope the time without Z goes quickly!

Give Reagan big hugs!