Monday, August 6, 2012

Cabin life

Kisses for Aunt Debbie (p.s. those are pajama shorts. Reagan thought it necessary to jump in after waking up... it is vacation I guess.)

Eating a nutritious lunch of mac n cheese on our babytable

Just giving her a "little" push

Naps by the lake

Lunch by the lake

A flattened penny from The Totem Pole in Nisswa after the turtle races.

Next thing I knew Debbie was paying for him to get this spider I could have scribbled on with my eyeliner. But what are Aunt's for?

I promise this kid was there but, even I, can only take so many pictures of him sleeping and I choose not to take any of him eating and since those are currently his two favorite activities there isn't much to show of his first trip to the lake.

We snatched this bike at Second Time Around next to Leftover Larry's on our way home from Nisswa. Best $8 ever spent.

And of course no one can resist Larry (the tractor of course.) This tractor, and his never ending worm-hooking skills, earned grandpa major points. Reagan loves any and every machine, for instance he woke me up this morning to tell me the garbage truck was here! the garbage truck was here!

Reagan informed us he was just going to stay at the lake and not come home. I told him we would be sad and miss him, he said not to worry because he'd just see us next year.

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