Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Here and there

All this talk about the "Royal Wedding" made me think of an earlier "Royal Wedding." And sigh... basically Grace Kelly is just beautiful.

Why was I not raised in this era? Rude.

But to my delight my grandma has saved some of her clothes for me. Sometime I need to dedicate an entire post to the all the awesomeness she has gifted me with. Seriously, with every visit she pulls out another beauty she "just happened upon."

Also, Reagan decided it was due time to shave his upper lip the other day. Consequently and almost immediately, he received his first nic as well.

Thirdly, I need these swimsuits.

Also, Kidlark's monthly desktop calendars are always gorg. And I'm mad at myself for abbreviating that.

Lastly, my grandma collects old Reader's Digest books and I'm having her save them for me so I can put them on my hypothetical wall of white book shelves in my fictional house. Once you take the jackets off of them they have the most beautiful hardbacks in these fantastic colors. Well after the fact, I saw these pictures from here, then patted myself on the back for coming up with the idea all by my-average-self.

In hindsight, I'm not sure why I thought any of this was blog-worthy?

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