Sam came by for the afternoon and delivered an early birthday present from her and Reid. Sooo nice! And yes, that IS a Mr. Potato Head. AND he loved it. ANNND, so did his dad.

Our guests arrived (the grandparents, my brother Drew and his girlfriend Lauren, Zach's sisters Luba and Sofie, and my Aunt Debbie & cousin Evan) and then we opened presents!
Can't you just hear him say "cheese"?

Then Reagan ate his cake off of his father's head

No words.

birthday morning AMBUSH!!
I dared Zach to run out to the car in what he was wearing
birthday bath in his birthday suit
The cake that just about killed me to make...

Then, to the pool we went...

MOving on
Breakfast at Denny's before Zach's parents had to leave. And to prove my previous remarks about Zach's love for Denny's, we got recognized by the waitress.
The rest of us went shopping for the afternoon, fun fun fun!

And then Reagan was OUT
I can't believe we have a TWO year old! Most conversations between Zach and I this weekend:
"Wow, you have a TWO year old!"
"You're TWO year old is pooping"
"Holy cow, he's been with us for TWO YEARS!"
It never gets old either. We had such a good weekend and were so glad that our parents and Debbie could come up and spend it with us. Also, thank you everyone for all your birthday wishes, we really appreciated them!
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