First of all, I should have posted this way earlier but... Emily asked me to be her "Matron of Honor"!! It was so sweet, I looked up from my desk and their is Emily and Uncle Bob! She was carrying this rose and it had the cutest poem attached to it. "Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Will you be my Matron of Honor?, Please say 'I Do'". Of course I said yes! I can't wait for the big day, June 20th 2009... it's a year and a half away but, eek, I'm already nervous about what I'm going to say. I want to help make her day as special as she made ours!

Secondly this is how I found Reagan sleeping the other night! I thought it was too cute. I've decided to give everyone a little update on all this 13 monther can do now!
- He can say- 'Mama', 'Dada', 'Ball', and now 'Papa'!! He will only whisper 'papa' in this semi-creepy voice though, don't know what's up with that!
- He is very into dogs right now. He "woofs" whenever they do, or if he sees one, or if he is pretending to be one.
- He can point to the things he wants. Mostly he does this when he's eating and would like a drink, he will point to the sippy cup. He will always point to a door or light so he can shut the door or turn on/off the light.
- Claps! Oh my gosh, we worked on this forever! He also "rolls" his arms (when you sing Patty-Cake) and will wave bye-bye occasionally.
- He understands simple directions such as- "put that away", "close the drawer/cabinet", "get _____" (insert- shoe, spoon, phone, toy, diaper, bottle, hat... I think there might be more)
- He "talks" on the phone... he puts it up to his ear (backwards) and jabbers away. Then hands it to you so you can talk.
- SHARES EVERYTHING! This might sound cute but it can get embarrassing in public when he shares all of his wet, squished up food with the diners around you. My mom can attest to this, last week at Denny's he hit it off with the Grandma behind him and she kept eating the food he would give her... EWW! I made sure to tell her not to feel obligated to eat it.
- He is obsessed with toilets. Usually I am pretty good about making sure the door is closed but he has this weird 6th sense that tells him I have left the bathroom door open. On record, things that have been in our toilet include: a bottle, a toy hammer, spoon, my phone and Grandma's shirt. Most likely much more.
- His favorite foods are: hot dogs, chicken nuggets, pizza, french fries (we're not off to a great start... he rarely gets to eat these things though) strawberries, grapes, fruit parfaits, peas and Grandma and Grandpa Meiner's green beans.
- And did I mention he is a total ham?! He loves to play tricks on you or get into things he knows he shouldn't (smiling and watching you out of the corner of his eye the whole time). But then again, he is the most affectionate little boy I have ever seen. He loves to hug and give big, wet, open mouth kisses.
1 comment:
What a cutie!!!
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