Friday, June 17, 2011

No training wheels!

I'm a little late to report this but Reagan has made the big move to strictly a two wheeler!! You better believe it. Here is an amateur movie of our shaky home videos, please enjoy the iMovie music. It should also go without saying to ignore any comments made by me, the audience (my mom) and the teacher (who was understandably, very proud that it only took his son two days to learn.)

Reagan :: Age 4 :: June 2011

Still on the agenda:
- learning how to stop
- not lying and saying you can't hear us when we yell for him to stop


Anonymous said...

Wonderful video! Way to go Reagan and Zach!
Love, A.Debbie

Whitney Leake said...

Hey! That's so funny you put that in your post, we just started to teach Bray how to ride without training wheels! Let me know if you want to get the kids together sometime, here's my number, we're usually just playing outside and hanging out. 530-9448.

Anonymous said...

Awesome video. Loved the way he rode at my house--just as fast as he could pedal! He's already an overachiever :) Dad