Sunday, April 10, 2011

Grilling out

This weekend we took advantage of this awesome weather as much as we could. Today, Andy & Erin, Nick & Ashley and Jason came over to usher in the new season with some grilling. I made this amateur iMovie of phone videos from today because I like to avoid doing schoolwork.

They'll all graduate this year (just a few weeks!) and we discussed how crazy it is that they've known Reagan all his life. All three boys were at his first birthday party back at Heartland and in my first Mother's Day picture, I've hemmed all their pants many-a-time, and Erin used to bare through all those windy cornfield games with me. So glad they ended up here at Judson since we're pretty much guaranteed to run into one of them everyday. =)

In other news, Easter is in a couple weeks and we can.not.wait. to come home!

1 comment:

MeL said...

Once again behind on blogging and therefore commenting...whatev. Anyway, the end of this video with Reagan hitting his knees made me laugh, because I'm a horrible person and like seeing kids get hurt? Yikes. But it made me feel better to realize that you are the one who recorded it then put it on this here movie. So yes, quite hilarious. I hope his miniscuses (sp?) are okay.