Saturday, July 24, 2010

The one where Joey speaks French

Have you ever seen the episode of Friends where Phoebe tries to teach Joey French? A quick synopsis: she says a sentance in French and then he "repeats" it but it sounds absolutely nothing like what she just said.

There are a few words of Reagan's that are pretty rough and they remind me of that episode...


Shain & Katie said...

Ha! That is so funny! =)

SAM said...

hope there's not a limit on how many times we can watch that clip. I keep replaying it. Love it!

PKYoung said...

That's the cutest!! That's totally like Joey!

Hambo said...

Reagan, don't worry I understood every word of it. I miss you little man and look forward to seeing you a lot more when you move to WA. If you move out here I'll let you come to my parents house and ride on their tractor!

emily said...

hahahahahhaahahahhahahah......EXACTLY like joey...OMG love this times 10

kear said...

i literally laughed out loud to this video, it was soo funny!!!!! it definitly reminded me of joey!